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Waralaba : Journal Of Economics and Business

Waralaba : Journal Of Economics and Business , is a peer-reviewed journal published twotimes a year (January-July, June-December) by PT. Global Pustaka Ilmiah, is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of on research Economics and business.

Journal Waralaba invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to Economics and Bussines, functional areas of Marketing Management, Finance Management, Strategic Management, Operation Management, Human Resource Management, E-business, Knowledge Management, Corporate Governance, Management Information Systems, International Business, Business Ethics and Sustainability, Entrepreneurship.

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Contact Person : +6285251613000 

  1. Journal Title: Waralaba : Journal Of Economics and Business
  2. Initials: JEB
  3. Frequency: January - June | July - December
  4. Online ISSN: 3063-6698
  5. Print ISSN: -
  6. Editor in Chief: Ridhatullah Assya'bani
  7. DOI: prefix 10.61590/waralaba

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Madrasah : Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah

"Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah" In this journal, researchers discuss the latest issues related to Islamic education, explore the potential for innovation in teaching methods, and present in-depth research contributions to enrich understanding of the dynamics of madrasah.

Through its articles, the journal aims to promote intellectual dialogue and facilitate the exchange of ideas among educators, researchers, and practitioners of Islamic education. By focusing on critical aspects such as curricula, learning methods, and contemporary challenges faced by the madrasah, it is a valuable source of reference for those interested in improving the quality of islamic education in the environment.

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Contact Person : +6285251613000 

  1. Journal Title: Madrasah : Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah
  2. Initials: JPM
  3. Frequency: January - June | July - December
  4. Online ISSN: 3063-7937
  5. Print ISSN: -
  6. Editor in Chief: Husin
  7. DOI: prefix 10.61590/mad by 

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Fikrah Islami : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam

is a scholarly journal dedicated to advancing the field of Islamic religious education. This journal provides a platform for research that addresses contemporary challenges in Islamic education, explores innovative teaching strategies, and presents significant academic contributions to enhance the understanding of educational practices in Islamic settings.

Through its articles, Fikrah Islami aims to foster intellectual dialogue and the exchange of ideas among educators, researchers, and practitioners of Islamic education. By examining key issues such as curriculum development, instructional methodologies, and the evolving needs of Islamic educational institutions, the journal serves as a vital resource for those seeking to improve and modernize the quality of Islamic education.

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Contact Person : +6285251613000 

  1. Journal Title: Fikrah Islami : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
  2. Initials: JPA
  3. Frequency: January - June | July - December
  4. Online ISSN: XXXX-XXXX
  5. Print ISSN: -
  6. Editor in Chief: Husin
  7. DOI: prefix 10.61590/pai by 

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Ad-dawl : Jurnal Islamic Studies

is an academic journal dedicated to the scholarly exploration of various aspects of Islam. It provides a platform for researchers, academics, and practitioners to publish original research and reviews on topics such as Islamic thought, law, history, culture, and social issues. The journal aims to foster a deeper understanding of Islamic principles in both traditional and contemporary contexts, while promoting interdisciplinary approaches that integrate fields like philosophy, sociology, economics, and politics. By offering a space for diverse perspectives, Ad-Dawl contributes to the intellectual dialogue within the global Islamic community.

The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles and research that are academically rigorous, engaging with current developments in Islamic studies and their practical implications in modern society. It serves as a valuable resource for scholars and practitioners alike, offering insights into the application of Islamic teachings in today's world. With a commitment to advancing the study of Islam in both academic and practical domains, Ad-Dawl aims to be a leading journal that bridges theory and practice, making it accessible to a wide audience of researchers, students, and professionals interested in Islamic studies.

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Contact Person : +6285251613000 

  1. Journal Title: Ad-dawl : Journal Islamic Studies
  2. Initials: JEB
  3. Frequency: January - June | July - December
  4. Online ISSN: XXXX-XXXX
  5. Print ISSN: -
  6. Editor in Chief: Ridhatullah Assya'bani
  7. DOI: prefix 10.61590/addawl

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